There seems to be so many “grow your business” books, blogs, podcasts, seminars, and workshops going on these days. Nearly everyone is an expert and they each know precisely what you “should” be doing in your business. “Take this class!” “Subscribe to this email list!” “Purchase this product!” And while many of those can be helpful and good, it’s easy to get lost in a plethora of options.
My good friend and best-selling author Marshawn Evans teaches that “a confused mind does nothing.” Don’t let this be you. If you feel like you’re swimming in a sea of options and don’t know where to find dry ground, start with the basics. You listen to the Bible for advice on living your daily life, so you might as well see what God has to say about running your business too.
Here are a 3 simple ideas God has revealed for growing your business:
Be Unique
The Bible tells us, “The gift of a person will open doors for him, and before the great, it gives him access” (Prov. 18:16). We each have a specific skillset God has gifted us with, and we must learn to be uniquely ourselves. And when you set your heart on seeking God and learning more about Him, you will inevitably learn more about who you are and what He has fashioned you for. Seek clarity on your gifts, focus in on them, and don’t fall into the trap of comparison. No one will ever be as great at being you as you, and after all, you are your own brand.
Be Wise
Following after every new business trend, jumping on every bandwagon, or saying “yes” when you know you should be saying “no” is not wisdom. But let’s face it: as women, it can be hard for us to put firm boundaries in place, prioritize our time, and say “no” to things asked of us, even when they add little-to-no value to ourselves or to our visions. Yet when we do these things, we’re then lead down a path full of frustration and burnout.
We must get to the point where we choose to pause and hear God’s voice. Learn when to rest and when to hustle. Why? Because grace can take you where hustling can’t. The Proverbs 31 Woman understood this. She knew she couldn’t do everything at the same time, yet I believe she was able to master her various accomplishments because she understood the seasons and cycles of her life. Before making any decision take the time necessary to ensure there is wisdom in it.
Be Strategic
Throughout scripture, we see countless examples of people who were able to discern the leading of the spirit for various strategies. By discernment, Deborah and Jael led the army of Israel to victory (Judges 4-5), and Esther was able save her people from certain destruction (Book of Esther). When they prayed, God revealed to them the proper strategies for success. Similarly, we see stories where God instructed His people to “stand still” so He could operate on their behalf. It’s no different in business. From Creation to the Cross, God has always moved strategically. We should be strategic in entrepreneurship as well.
In Habakkuk 2:2-3 it says, “Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.”
There are times when we all must seek clarity for our unique business, times we must wait, and times we must run. Who knew the Bible was full of such great business advice? Trusting God and following His leading allows us to do business in a way that is pleasing to Him and beneficial to us. Trust God to order your steps and He most certainly will!
God’s plans for us include both our personal lives and our business lives. What do you need to adjust to ensure there’s space for God’s plan in your business?
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Melinda Watts
Melinda is a Christian recording artist, speaker, and mentor. She strives to empower others to live a whole, beautiful, inspired life under the banner of God’s never-ending grace.
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I love this! Thank you for sharing…. It’s true. We can get so caught up in listening to the Oprah’s, Marie Forleo’s & Richard Branson’s this world that we forget to stop, reflect and listen to what God says about out businesses and success. This hit home for me. Lately as I have been in the process of launching my coaching biz, I am jumping from here to there, listening to what everyone else says – I’ve neglected listening to the voice of God and his divine wisdom and strategy. This was a good reminder. Thank you! x
The quote in the beginning of this piece stopped me firmly and is forcing me to step back. I am stuck in circles, chasing my tail, because of being bombarded with new information. Time to simplify, and go one step at a time. AFTER I spend time with God
Love this. It’s great to have business and personal advice but I love a perspective that always includes God.