You are so strong.
While this moment feels like eternity,
while the fog in your head clouds everything that makes sense,
while your chest feels so heavy,
while your heart is sharp with pain and chaos –
Know this: nothing else in this moment matters, except getting what you need.
It doesn’t matter what the voices in your head are screaming,
You are safe.
Close your eyes.
Inhale this stillness.
Exhale every worry. Every thought.
Inhale peace.
Step outside.
Soak up the warmth of the sun.
Breathe in your humanity.
Turn off your phone.
Get off of social media.
You don’t need to answer that text right now.
What you’ll gain is far greater than what you’ll miss.
Anxious heart,
I know you are so tired.
But I have some really good news: It is now time to rest.
You can rest, because you are free.
Your Creator longs to know you.
The one who made the lungs inside of you that are screaming for more air.
The one who gave you the heart that is racing, pounding for more blood.
The one who gave you the brain that is clouded with rampage and confusion.
This Creator, your Maker, your Father in Heaven never intended for this to happen.
Your Creator is light. He is love. This dark confusion inside of you is not from him.
Your Creator, your Maker, your Father in Heaven is broken by your brokenness.
And He is so ready for you to rest.
He’s ready for you to quit fighting a fight that He’s already won.
Your Father wants you to come home and rest in His arms.
In His peace.
In His presence.
Anxious Heart,
You’re done fighting.
You weren’t created for this.
You were made for more than fear.
You were made for more than lies.
You were made for more than anxiety and depression.
This fear, these lies, this anxiety, this depression, this fight – it may be your current circumstance, but it is not your identity.
You are created for a purpose so much greater than the enslavement of panic attacks, anxiety, depression, fear.
And while this feels like an uphill battle, it’s time to lay your weapons down.
It’s time to let go.
You don’t need to control your surroundings anymore, because these feelings, this worry – it all matters. It’s all real.
It’s all a part of your story.
BUT, this part of your story that hurts so much, the tears burning down your face, this moment is actually your victory cry – because your Creator has already won this battle.
And He is fighting for you to know this,
He is fighting to know you, right now.
Anxious heart,
Give up the fight.
Lay down your weapons.
Let go.
Your Father is ready to hold your hand and lead you to freedom.
Run to Him.
This is your moment.
This is your victory.
It’s okay to rest now.
You are safe.
“Even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner person is being renewed day by day. For our momentary light affliction, is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory. So we do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” -2 Corinthians 4:16-18
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Kimberly Mead
Kimberly is a wife, first-time mama, and joy and mindset coach. Through coaching, she empowers newlywed and married women to overcome fear and anxiety in their lives, pursue their God-given dreams, and take back their joy! Kimberly is also the host of The On-Purpose Bride Podcast. To check out more of her work, you can visit her website,
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Thanks for this…it’s lovely and beautiful. I want to print it out and give copies to everyone I know! The timing was perfect…
These articles are getting me through the day. I love your content!!