“Beloved, I love you and I see you. I am waiting patiently for you. I watch over you while you are asleep. I am with you as you go about your day. I am here waiting patiently for you with my arms out stretched ready to embrace you, to fill you up and give you everything you need. Beloved, I have so much more for you. I have so much I want to show you, tell you and reveal to you. I am waiting patiently for you my Child.“
Those are are expressions I live for. Words of truth. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve experienced some powerful moments during my time with God; in both worship and in journaling. The excerpt above comes directly from my personal journal. However, over the past few weeks I’ve been sensing the Lord saying “Fight for your time with me. Fight and watch what I’ll do.” So I couldn’t resist diving into the depths of what it truly means to fight for our time with God, especially in what seems to be a world full of busyness.
Okay, listen Linda, listen, honey listen (Don’t get it? watch this then come back) if you only walk away with one point from this article let it be this, fight to be committed, consistent and connected. There is nothing more important in life than the time we spend with God. Spending time with God is not about an item to check off our to-do list, and it isn’t about how much time we spend during our quiet time. Rather, it’s all about authentically connecting with our creator on a heart level.
As women on a mission, if we want God to entrust us with more and expand our capacity, we must do our part and protect our sacred time with the Him. The Bible says in Luke 12:48, “To whom much is given much is required.” As our territories expand and God gives us more responsibilities and influence, our intentionally should expand as well.
Each of us have 24 hours in a day. We choose when we wake up, what we want to focus on, and where we want go. In the grand scheme of things, we have little to no control over what happens in our world, however there is one thing that we have complete control over —how we choose to spend our time. It’s too easy for us to feel stressed and become burnt out along the way. We are constantly bombarded with notifications, emails, home chores and business obligations and that’s just to name a few (Girl, I feel a little stress coming on after listing these things out). We need guidance on this journey. We were not designed to do it alone, but with the ONE who created us, the ONE who cares about every detail of our lives. Yes, community with one another is important but we need to make sure our priorities are in order first. Sometimes we spend way too much time talking about our problems with one another instead of taking it to God first. #guiltyofthat #toughlove
Let’s take a look at the story about Mary and Martha found in Luke 10:38–42:
“As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.” But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Let us be like Mary in this story and discover what is best for us and delight in sitting at the feet of Jesus. “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart” Psalms 37:4. In certain seasons of life we will have more responsibilities than others but one thing must remain the same, our fight to be committed, consistent and connected to the ONE we can’t live without. Don’t allow responsibilities, opportunities or even gifts from God take you away from the feet of Jesus.
We don’t have time to live a life overwhelmed with confusion and anxiety. We have direct access to the ONE in charge over every detail of our lives. You can have communion with the ONE who formed you in your mother’s womb, the ONE who delights over you, the ONE who calls you beloved, the ONE who will never leave you, the ONE who sees every tear that you cry, the ONE who chose you and the ONE who has absolutely everything that you need.
I will fight to be committed, consistent and to connect to the one who created me and I hope you will too!
Big Hug,
It’s natural for us to feel guilt and shame when we are not consistent with our quiet time with God, but instead of falling into those emotions let’s make a commitment today to fight. What’s one thing you can do this week that will help you get back on track? Leave a comment below telling us what you’ll be focused on this week. I would love to hear from you!
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Charlena Ortiz
An accredited life & business coach, writer, and founder of Grit & Virtue. My passion is found in helping you on your journey of becoming who you were created to be, while living out your mission with clarity, conviction and confidence.
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What a beautiful and right now post, thank you! I have felt God calling me more into His presence than ever before. I have to put distractions away and really focus my attention on Him.
Awe, that’s so encouraging to hear Tiffany. And many times we just have to say no to other opportunities even if they are good. Make spending time with the Lord your top priority and watch how your world will change. It’s won’t be easy however it’s a commitment that you will never regret. Thank You for sharing a piece of your journey with us.
Thank you so much for this post, I really needed this! Fighting to be committed, consistent and connected, too!
So glad to hear Shalyce! Never stop trying. The qualification that we need comes from that sacred time. The anointing we want for the work of your hands comes from that very same place. You got this!
Hi Charlena! This post was right on time for me. I have waves of great quiet times and then I somehow get busy. But that’s not fighting. The fight has to happen when other things fight to take my quiet time’s place. I want to dive deep with God and that happens by spending time with Him.
Hey Dija! Yes, I understand. I’m glad this post was helpful for you. Keep on Fighting!
Big Hug, Charlena
Oh my, totally right on time for right now. And SO convicted but SO struggling to get to this point of my sacred time alone with my Creator. It has been a long haul since experiencing the worst tragedy any parent could experience~I so need to make this change now with consistency. I need to stop being that like that little boy and talking over God and interrupting Him. Change can be hard with all that internal struggling but the beauty on the other side is worth it. Thank you for sharing from your journal so that others may glean from it.
Your welcome Tammy. I’m so sorry about your experience. Continue to fight because your healing and wholeness in the intimate moments with the Lord. Praying for you!
Xo, Charlena
Timely reminder for me to look at how far Jesus went to protect His ability to be present with me by seeing the joy store him… What a beautiful picture of love and being chose , I want to respond to Him with the same focus and pursuit of treasure, Him!
Amen! He just loves you completely Dana. Delight in His presence. 😉
Wow! Just an ON-THE-MARK answer to prayer!!!… After overcoming a major health crisis several years ago I became almost “fearful” or anxious about rising extra early to get better quality time in with The Lord..I felt somehow the extra sleep-in time was helping to preserve my health but… Lately I’ve felt the conviction and nudge of “No! Dear Daughter, it is I AM that gave your Body new life over these recent years and it is I AM that preserves it.”….
I committ to going back to setting my alarm for that earlier hour to commune with My Abba Father…
Twoana ~ That is part of how I feel after what I experienced, along with the whole trust issue. I am striving to getting my feet on the floor before the sunrises to spend that quality quiet time with my heavenly Father.
Yes! And I will be praying your strength and renewed confidence in The Lord’s Love for you to enable you to walk this out Tammy!!
Yes, Twoana! This is just an oh so sweet message, ” Dear Daughter, it is I AM that gave your Body new life over these recent years and it is I AM that preserves it.” I’m excited for your renew time with the Lord.
You’d be excited to know that even though I didn’t go to bed early enough I DECIDED to TRUST THE LORD to bestow Supernatural blessings of strength and energy and I arose earlier to get that better quality time in and He, in turn gave me an exceptional dose of energy to get through a level of exercise that is certainly NOT my normal!!!
Woot Woot! This is so good!
Thank you. Your words were much needed this morning. May you & the entire team have a blessed day!
Thank You Jessie! 😉
This was an amazing post for me and for me to share. I lead a high school small group of Junior and Senior girls at my church. They explain to me that they all struggle connecting to God daily. I always send them devos and encouragement to dig deeper in their walk. This was the perfect post to share with them and they loved it.
Thank you
Awe!!! This is wonderful Ashley. Well done on leading our next generation of women who love the Lord. Give them all a big hug for me!
Great post!!! I struggle to spend that one on one time with God and let all the distractions aside and the social media habit… This week I will be working on staying consistent with my bible app reading plans! It really helps to read them in the am and before bed.. Thank you!
Love your plan, Karla! Come back and share how you did after this week. What worked well? What didn’t work so well? And what you need to change?
First, what a beautiful name!
This post was beautiful, I cannot wait to share it with my husband tonight. I sent him the quote at the top of the post. We are going to welcome our first child, boy, in April and I asked him to read it again and think about him. I feel like God’s love is so relatable when thinking about your own children. I really needed a refresher in my need for time with God everyday. We skipped Mass on Sunday b/c we were moving and we never do that, it has been a domino effect ever since. After reading your post I am going to stop the spiral and fight for my relationship with God. Thank you again!
Thank You Christina. Congratulations on the miracle of your baby boy. How exciting! I couldn’t agree more about how relatable it is to think of God’s love through the lens of a parent. Praying for you as you fight for your sacred time with God!