There we were yet again. Another long night discussing the pros and cons of making a big career move. I paced back and forth in the living room talking about what could be and what we should consider, while secretly in my mind trying to justify making a move that would seem crazy to outsiders. This has become a pattern in our family. After spending over 10 years at Lockheed Martin, I took the leap into consulting. Then a few years later I decided to join Google—a decision that required us to move across the country and away from our family and friends. Rinse and repeat, now we’re in Boulder Colorado in the pursuit of a great mission. Over time we’ve learned to embrace the journey. The actual work and energy that goes into making big career decisions can be both scary and exciting. Scary, because you’ll have to leave what may be comfortable for the unknown. And exciting, because you know that an adventure lies ahead.
So whether or not you find yourself in a good place when it comes to your career, I’d like to challenge you a bit. Far too often we get complacent when it comes to our career journey. We get busy and get caught up in the rat race without challenging the current. We play it safe. We settle for what is good—instead of pursuing what is great. Below are a few ways you can begin to break out of the mold most of us stay in for far too long.
Change Your Perspective
Before anything else we have to assess our current perspective when it comes to work. What are our current beliefs and do they align with what we actually want. We try to draw a line between work and life over and over again. But we fail. Work is such an important part of who we are. It spills over into every aspect of our lives. So why would we settle for a current role or career that doesn’t align with who we are? Steve Jobs said it best, “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” So if you can find it within you to agree with this perspective, then adopt it and don’t let it fade. Be intentional in the pursuit of what is great.
Know What You’re Aiming For
“If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time,” I love that nugget of wisdom from Zig Ziglar. So simple but yet so true. When it comes to our career it’s important that you know what you want. Remember the daunting question, what do you want to be when you grow up? Well, it’s not an easy one to answer because for many of us it changes often. But what you can answer are the things you know about yourself. What makes you come alive? What are your natural gifts and which careers and positions align with those? What type of people do you like to work with? What type of environments are you most creative/productive in? Knowing what you’re aiming for will easily help you spot opportunities that would otherwise be overlooked. Become a self-expert and know what it takes to make you thrive.
Get Comfortable with Taking Risks
Early in my career I thought that in order to succeed I just had to do great work and opportunities would follow. Doors would surely open. Well—I was wrong. Being great at what you do is just one part of the equation. If you don’t own your career, no one will. Along with being proactive for your career advancement, you’ll have to get comfortable with taking risks. A calculated leap of faith. “The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks” said Mark Zuckerberg. Throughout our career journey we have to constantly assess and take risks. Should I ask my boss for a raise or another position? Should I make a lateral move to advance my skillset? Taking risks is the only way we move forward. And if we decide not to take any risks, we may actually be taking the biggest risk in our career. At the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take.
As you continue to navigate your career journey take the necessary time to pray, plan, and prep for what’s around the corner. If you’re not happy with where you are then it’s your responsibility to change it. Begin by adopting a growth mindset, becoming a self expert, and embracing the adventure that comes along with taking risks. And finally, enjoy the journey. What’s the point if you’re not having fun along the way?
What are your thoughts when it comes to navigating your career? Are you preparing yourself for the next move or are you happy where you are? I’ll be sure to join you in the comments below.
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Roberto Ortiz
Roberto heads up design + tech for Grit and Virtue and is a quality junkie. He has worked for Lockheed Martin, Google, Yahoo, and as a consultant for startups. When given the opportunity you can find him speaking on the topics of design, diversity, and education.
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Roberto, well said and I could not agree more. As my husband and I have started a business, and now another I have been floored at the amount of risk taking it requires. We both feel alive while jumping and can even have the deepest sense of security in the midst of something that looks crazy – but my question (as I look out into the world, and observe close friends that aren’t “jumping”) is this – Do you think that this is something you can learn, or do you think that some are just meant to take risks and others aren’t? In my observation, taking risks is like breathing for some, and for others it’s like climbing Mount Everest. Have you seen friends grow exponentially in their ability to leap, and what was it that grew their risk taking muscle? p.s. I have coffee on the calendar with Charlena next month – excited to see your space. Love what you two are doing – and, doing together!
Hi Shannon! Thank you for sharing a bit of your story and experience. Those are some really good questions, and honestly something I’ve been pondering for sometime now. I believe that we’re built to take risk throughout of lives. However, the ability to take risk is one thing; being able to lean into it and do it well is another thing. In terms of the scale of risk taking, I think it comes down to a few things: how confident are you in executing well under different circumstances (the I can figure it out mindset); how would this decision impact not just my life but the lives of those around me; and your maturity level spiritually (leap of faith) and general outlook on life. I’ve noticed that people who have adopted a growth mentally tend to take bigger risk. They don’t tend to settle, and actually cringe at the idea of settling. It’s not to be mistaken for being content (because contentment is a beautiful thing). For me personality, it’s not so much about being content but rather making sure that I use my gifts responsibly and reach my fullest potential. Not just for me but for those around me. I’ve become comfortable with Letting Go of the Good, in the Pursuit of Great. p.s. Looking forward to meeting you.
This is interesting. You is smart.
“You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” Miss you buddy.
Loved this!! Great read. Definitely have been one to take risks and although not always the best outcome after those “leaps” I look back at my journey and wouldn’t trade it for the world! Those experiences brought me to today!
Well written and well encouraged…. There are two pains in life: pain of discipline and pain of regret! I’m down for the discipline now, so I don’t have to live with regret
Hi Wendy! Thank you sharing your experience. It’s really interesting to look back at our decisions and learn from them. However, there are definitely times in which you’re walking in that decision that you begin to wonder if it was the right decision. But that’s part of the adventure. No guarantees.
Hi Wendy! Thank you sharing your experience. It’s really interesting to look back at our decisions and learn from them. However, there are definitely times in which you’re walking in that decision that you begin to wonder if it was the right decision. But that’s part of the adventure. No guarantees.
I am always inspired by the writings of Grit and Virtue and this one spoke directly to me. As someone who is self employed and a stay at home mom it is easy to go through the motions and get lost in the monotony of the day, trying to find the fine line between taking care of business and being a mom who is “present”. So many times I have to regroup and remind myself what it is I want to achieve. I always gravitate to the question, “Why am I even doing all this?” but somehow always find ways to re-center my mentality, regain motivation and keep going. What I dream of is what I love and never seems like work, it is just at times I get overwhelmed with it all. It is articles such as yours that help. Thank you for words of encouragement and guidance, was an excellent way to start the day!
Hi Kimberly! Thank you for sharing a bit of your story and experience. I love the wisdom of finding ways to re-center, adjust, and keep moving forward. Wrestling with those “why am I even doing all of this?” type of questions is actually key. It reveals our core motives. Our why. Hope you have a great week as you continue to press in.
Hi Kimberly! Thank you for sharing a bit of your story and experience. I love the wisdom of finding ways to re-center, adjust, and keep moving forward. Wrestling with those “why am I even doing all of this?” type of questions is actually key. It reveals our core motives. Our why. Hope you have a great week as you continue to press in.
‘Get comfortable in taking risks!’ Mmm, I’m not so sure about the ‘comfortable’ part but I surely will try my best to push through :)) Thank you so much for this encouraging post!
Because of this post, I have made a leap in my career. I start my new position next week and although scary, it is very exciting at the same time! After reading this, I realized how comfortable I have been and if I didn’t take a leap and overcome my fears…I will always just be comfortable but longing for more! Thank you for sharing! It has a played a big part in my recent move and pushed me past my comfort zone!
Good for you Marie! Thanks for following up. It takes courage to challenge the current, evaluate it, and realize that there’s more to pursue. Then more importantly, taking the steps necessary to move forward. Cheers to you! and to what’s ahead of your comfort zone!
Leaving the ‘good’ behind is tough, but chasing greatness is where the magic happens! It’s like swapping a comfy couch for a thrilling rollercoaster—scary at first, but so worth it when dreams start soaring!