At the end of the year, it’s always beneficial to get quiet and reflect on all we’ve learned, adding meaning to our experiences before entering a new year.  So, how much more do we need to pause and reflect after a year like this, which has required so much from us?  It’s been a hard year, but we can still end it well.  

So, before you say goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021, let’s intentionally look back before looking forward. Let’s pause and reflect. Let’s celebrate every single win – the big, small, and all that’s in-between.  Let’s be grateful and acknowledge the provisions we’ve experienced in this past year.  We urge you to set aside some time for reflection with the following journal prompts – to make peace with this year – even if it is just in fragmented moments – poco a poco, little by little.  We believe it will be time well spent with significant returns.

  1. Who are you grateful for?  Have you told them? (give them a call, send them a text, or even consider sending them a handwritten note this holiday season)
  2. What have you learned to appreciate in 2020? (List it all out, even if it seems small.)
  3. What hope have you found in the midst of the challenges the world has seen this year?
  4. What did you learn about God in 2020?
  5. Has there been a Bible verse that you have held particularly close this year? A song? (consider sharing with a friend if you haven’t yet) 
  6. What life changes did you experience in the last year?
  7. What good has surfaced in your life during a quarantined society?
  8. Many changes that happened this year were beyond our control.  The only thing we could control was our response to the changes.  How did you respond?  How did your response make you feel? 
  9. What did you learn about yourself in 2020?
  10. What has worked well for you throughout 2020?
  11. What did you intend to do but didn’t?  Is this something you still want to do?  If so, what action steps will you take in hopes of accomplishing it?   
  12. What story does Abba Father want to write with you for 2021? What’s the vision for yourself, family and work?
  13. What resources or support do you need to help make it happen?
  14. What limiting beliefs do you need to let go of to align with your vision?
  15. What life-giving perspective will you carry into this Holiday season?

If at all possible, slow down and breathe deeply. Our souls may be weary from a very long year, but don’t forget that we have a good Father who wants to give us rest and restore our soul as we enter into a new year. So let’s cling to Him as we make peace with the year that lies behind us and hold on to hope as we sense, see and prepare for what He has for us in the year ahead.