I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.” These are the gentle thoughts resounding in my mind as I begin to brainstorm for my very first women’s empowerment brunch. I can visualize a room full of electric energy causing ideas of life-changing enterprises to be kindled, desires of continuing higher education ignited, stronger prayer lives erected, and the exchange of high-fives across the aisles! And that right there my friend, is the power which launches a mission worth pursuing. The power of allowing God to use your natural desires, interests, and personality to make a greater impact in the lives of others.

Often your mission is right under your nose, but we discount the impact our ideas, passions, and projects can cause. The reason God uniquely created you is to do something extraordinary with your life. Coming to the understanding that all your efforts are being aligned with heaven gives life greater meaning. Once you have an inkling that God is up to something in your life, it is your duty to pursue Him.

Seeking God for clarity and direction in order to discover your mission is imperative. The who, what, when and where may be vague, but this is where you are able to grow in full dependence on God in order for the plan to unfold.

When you answer the call to follow your God-given mission, it’s then where your potential and purpose collide to do the unthinkable and reach the unreachable. There’s enough power and influence in your God-given mission to eradicate human trafficking, innovate the next technological advance, pen a New York Times Best Seller, or empower the next generation of leaders. When we seek to know the mystery of our existence, God will reveal the mosaic plan which connects the dots of our past experiences to our present mission.

As you seek the Lord, He will illuminate His master plan and bring clarity to that which is confusing and daunting.

Here are a few tips to help you discover your mission:


  1. Get quiet: The world is loud and fast, but when we pull away to the feet of our Lord, it is in those quiet moments we are able to receive our next action steps.
  2. Don’t compare: Your mission is as unique as you are. Don’t get mixed up in comparisons and waste your time duplicating others. When you do this, you are leaving your mission untouched and your purpose unfulfilled.
  3. Practice immediate obedience: Now what is the point of hearing from God if we don’t plan to act on His commands? Delayed obedience is still disobedience. Trust God at His word and move forward towards a mission that is full of adventure at every turn.

When you take these steps you will discover how special you are. You will have begun the awesome journey of self-discovery, and can finally answer “What is my purpose?” Your mission is worth the journey, and with the all-knowing God on your side, there is no other option than good success.

What is holding you back from discovering your mission? How can you take steps to pursue your mission?

Jennifer Hammock

Jennifer Hammock is a servant leader, who prayerfully encourages women to live a life beyond comfort zones. Jennifer aka “Lady Jenn” serves alongside her husband, Pastor Darnell Hammock, at New Life Community Church in Oakland, CA. Her messages and videos resonate with the inner winner and cultivate authentic transformation.

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